What is the aim of these visits?
During your antenatal assessments with Dr Makhubo she will offer guidance and assistance in choosing the birth plan best suited for you. Just as pregnancy sets the tone for motherhood, the delivery of your baby can be a positive start to motherhood. It is essential to feel confident in your choice of birth plan. Dr Makhubo will aid you with all the information you need to make this decision as well as make you as comfortable as possible to welcome your little one into the world.
What are my delivery options?
Each mom and baby is unique, therefore choosing how to deliver your baby is a decision entirely up to you. Dr Makhubo offers all of the following delivery options for moms-to-be:
- Natural Vaginal delivery – you will be informed on what to expect and how to prepare for vaginal delivery through your comprehensive consultations with Dr Makhubo. Your emergency Caesarean section will also be discussed as a plan B.
- Assisted Natural Vaginal delivery - If you choose to deliver your baby through natural vaginal birth, you may choose to have relieving medications during labour and birth which may aid pushing. If pain is a concern speak to your obstetrician about an epidural to manage your pain.
- Caesarean section – as a safe alternative to natural birth, C-sections are also performed by Dr Makhubo. During your birth counselling she will be able to answer your questions, schedule your delivery and make arrangements for your epidural or spinal block so that you don’t feel any pain during the delivery,
- Vaginal Birth After Caesarean – for mothers who are pregnant again, have had cesearen sections before and wish to deliver vaginally, a vaginal birth after C-section (VBAC) is During your birth counselling and antenatal assessments she will be able to decide whether or not you are a candidate for this delivery and inform you on what you can expect this time around.
After delivery, before meeting your little one for the first time, your obstetrician will need to conduct a few basic tests to ensure everything is normal. You will then be able to meet your little one and hold him or her for the first time.